King Moravian Church
An open, accepting, and loving church family!
Volunteer at KMC
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Lay Reader: Read the scripture readings from the pulpit during worship. The readings will be provided to you early in the week.
Greeter: Arrive 30 minutes before worship.
Obtain and wear a name tag. Smile, shake hands, make eye contact with, and verbally greet people who enter the church or sanctuary. Introduce yourself to people you do not know. Introduce visitors to other members.
Usher: Arrive 30 minutes before worship.
Before Service: Hand out bulletins and seat people as necessary. Recruit volunteers from seating on left and right to assist with offering, if needed.
During service: Seat latecomers during hymns take attendance - count everyone in the sanctuary, including choir, musicians, pastors. Count everyone in nurseries, including adult volunteers. Take offering - two ushers do center pews first, then left and right pews with volunteers previously recruited, ushers do perimeter pews. During the last stanza of the closing hymn, open the Narthex doors.
Please contact Ken Lyda if you have further questions.
Livestream Video and Sound System:
Operate the AV equipment to livestream the Sunday morning service.
(Contact the church office to be put in touch with the tech team)
Sanctuary Flowers: Provide flowers for the sanctuary.
You may order flowers from a florist or make your own arrangement. The church secretary will contact you early in the week to get special dedication/wording for the bulletin. Sign up on calendar in the narthex.
Worship - Nursery: Provide care for children in the infant nursery, ages ranging from birth to approximately 18 months. Change diapers and supervise play in the nursery room. Attendance ranges from 1 to 5 infants and toddlers. Two adults are required and both need to complete the Safe Sanctuary volunteer training. Volunteer needs to arrive at 10:45 and stay until all children are picked up and signed out by parents or guardians.
Adult Teacher: If you would like to lead or assist in teaching adult Sunday school, contact Rachael Butts through the church office. There are opportunities to lead classes based on prepared study materials, book discussions, or you may teach a class based on your own interest/expertise.