King Moravian Church
An open, accepting, and loving church family!
Christian Education

Join the juniors on the 3rd floor for bible lessons that follow along with the church year!
Sunday School
10:00 am
Elementary School
(3rd floor Christian Education Building)
Exploring Bible stories using the Deep Blue curriculum which engages children through science experiments, crafts, games and videos.
Middle/High School
(Youth House)
Discussions on current events and spiritual connections along with scripture to relate to teen life.
Good News Class
(Fellowship Hall)
Studying the Present Word curriculum which includes Old and New Testament.
Inquirer’s Class
(Seasonal Class)
Designed for visitors and those wanting to learn more about the Moravian Church.
Nursery is available upon request.
Contact Rachael Butts, Director of Christian Education
Worship Hour for our children
11:00 am
Nursery & Bible Time
(Located on the 2nd floor next to Sanctuary)
Our Safe Sanctuary-trained volunteers provide age-appropriate activities for our youngest learners during the worship hour.
Children’s Worship
(3rd floor Christian Education Building)
Twice a month, children K-3rd grade are invited to leave regular worship for their own worship experience.