King Moravian Church
An open, accepting, and loving church family!
“Children of God serving others in the spirit of Christ.”
There are several opportunities for everyone, including our children, to be a part of something greater than ourselves.
Share the Blessing: Mission Blitz
Annual community event where faith communities come together to complete home improvements for those in need. As a lead church, King Moravian organizes this annual event in the Fall. To volunteer or ask for assistance, please contact the church office where you will be connected with the project organizer.
King Outreach Ministries
King Moravian Church supports KOM on the first Sunday every month with a walk up offering. Also, members assist with gathering and delivering supplies as well as donating requested items to the facility. To participate, contact the church office for more information.
Red Cross Blood Drives
Blood drives are announced in the bulletin, newsletter, email and posted on social media. In addition to giving blood, volunteers are needed to prepare and serve snacks. For more information, contact the church office.
Adopt a Village
The Circle of Joy holds an annual Mother’s Day bake sale where funds are used to support orphaned children in Tanzania in need of food and education. To support this project, join us on Mother’s Day for the bake sale after the service. Monetary donations are welcomed.
Board of World Mission
King Moravian financially supports this organization. The BWM builds relationships through Mission Outreach and Mission Engagement to be faithful to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.